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Mirjam Hartkamp.

mhartkamp [at]

+31 (0)6-19918363.



Ivan Nyklicek.

i.nyklicek [at]




Hendrik Pieter Barendregt.

h.barendregt [at]


Stichting IMI / IMI foundation

Fiscal code: 8581.29.152

KvK nummer (Chamber of commerce) : 70073198

Address: Berkdijksestraat 89, 5025VD Tilburg, The Netherlands

Bank account: IBAN: NL05 TRIO 0338 7587 71 / BIC (=Swift): TRIONL2U.

Name and address of the bank:Triodos Bank, Utrechtseweg 44, 3704HD Zeist, The Netherlands


Stichting IMI / IMI foundation was founded in November 2017 and was assigned a bank account in December 2017. IMI is a non-profit organisation. 


Board members of IMI do not receive a financial or otherwise compensation for their work in the context of the foundation. 

IMI is a non-profit organisation strongly relying on donations. Your help is greatly appreciated!




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